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News & Events

Symposium (December 9-12, 2024)

The Center’s Biennial Symposium will serve as a platform for scientists across the U.S. to exchange ideas on the latest developments in RNA technologies and therapeutics.

Center monthly seminar series (coming 2024)

The Center’s monthly seminar series will feature relevant talks from UCSD scientists, particularly senior graduate students, postdocs, and early investigators as well as outside leaders in the field.


Center Career and Grant Writing Workshops (coming 2024)

The purpose of the career workshop is to provide guidance for graduate students and postdocs in making career decisions. These decisions primarily revolve around choosing between academia/non-profit or industry. In the industry sector, there are options between working at a start-up/biotech and Parma. The workshop will also explore what career opportunities exist in academia outside of the faculty track, and in the non-profit sector, e.g. patient advocacy and research grant funding foundations.

The primary goal of the grant writing workshop is to enable senior postdocs and young investigators to identify funding opportunities (particularly in the RNA research arena) and to acquire federal and non-federal funding. A second goal is to enable participants to become competent and fair grant reviewers.